EVERY DAY, Documentary performance

LV and UA
15 Riga Street, Parking lot, Valmiera
Valters Sīlis
Scenography and costumes:
Uģis Bērziņš
Sound design:
Viesturs Balodis
Executive Producer:
Laine Pole

Natalka Kobizka (Наталка Кобізька), Konstantin Tischenko (Константин Tiщенко), Jānis Kronis, Hrihory Baklanov (Григорий Бакланов)

This annotation is being written in the spring of 2024. The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than two years. With high hopesthat in the summer of 2024 Ukraine will have defeated Russia in the war, and that our show’s premiere will talk about the past instead of the present thatUkrainians are facing now, we are making a show about everyday life during wartime. About what you must get used to and what you cannot get used to. Whatis everyday life like in a city the size of Valmiera in Ukraine?

If Valmiera were to end up in Ukraine, what aspects o flife would go on in the same way as in Latvia? Children have to go to schooland adults have to go to work, young parents have to take care of theirnewborns, and grandparents have to live their lives worrying about theirchildren and grandchildren. If Valmiera were to end up in Ukraine, what aspectsof life would go on like in Ukraine now, when tragedy and horror can strike youat home, at school, at work or on the high street at any moment?

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Uban theatre productions for the whole family that excite, entertain, enlighten, and set the stage for conversation