FUNNY MOUNTAIN, performance

partly in ENG. More visual / sound.
15 Dzirnavu Street, Valmiermuiža
Netti Nüganen
Scenography, costumes:
Pire Sova
Sound design:
Michaela Kisling

Netti Nüganen, Pire Sova, Michaela Kisling


A charcoal land, horizon, riding a house.

Tightly mounted, heels in dirt, you're riding up the towering cliff, along the curving path. Gravity pulls you down, but you move against it: up the mountain, up the bumpy gravel ramp. You vault the archway - into a full spiral, spinning, folding inwards, twisting lungs and turning stomach. Double front cycle, around the axes of the spinning house, tightly strapped and dizzy. Time starts slowing down. Bracing the house, you finally land: a clumsy bang! on the bumpy gravel path, giggling from the impact.

"Funny mountain."

Busted glass windows, collapsed roof, and a femur pushed in dirt. Next to it, as far as the eye can see: a thin crack appears, racing up the vast plateau, splitting it in half.

Set in a dystopian background, FUNNY MOUNTAIN is an exploration into the loss of locality in the world of travel, and the recklessness of the traveller, triggered by the sense of doom. A distinct East-European humor and poetics are present, where the vast emptiness and desperation finds its roots in decay, and transforms into action. With emphasis on live sound and ever-changing scenography, Nüganen invites the festival audience to engage and participate in the world that is being created.

With the help of Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Supported by Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union.

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Uban theatre productions for the whole family that excite, entertain, enlighten, and set the stage for conversation